Shaping Our Global Impact: The Significance of the 2024 Elections

Shaping Our Global Impact: The Significance of the 2024 Elections

The 2024 parliamentary elections, a pivotal event in India’s democratic journey, will commence in a multi-phased celebration of civic engagement starting April 19. This article presents a comprehensive analysis, structured in three sections, to examine the intricate tapestry of issues influencing voters’ choices. From international dynamics to national priorities and regional perspectives of Tamil Nadu, each facet will be explored to underscore the profound impact these elections hold on the global stage. The expansive scale of this electoral exercise surpasses previous precedents, highlighting its significance in shaping the future not just within national borders, but also in the broader international context.

The transformation from pariah to paragon

The 2024 Indian parliamentary elections are not merely a local affair but a global event, reflecting India’s burgeoning clout on the world stage. The catalyst for this ascendancy? Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s unparalleled influence, eclipsing even the President of the United States. The American think tank Morning Consult has placed Modi at the pinnacle of global leadership popularity for five consecutive years. Leaders worldwide extol his virtues: the Australian Prime Minister dubs him “Modi the Boss,” the Italian Prime Minister lauds him as the world’s most cherished leader, and the US President admits to Modi’s compelling power, jokingly lamenting the overwhelming demand for his presence. Even the Russian President acknowledges him as “the fearless, the wise one,” while the British Prime Minister recognizes him as a peer in global leadership. The President of Papua New Guinea’s gesture of prostration is a testament to Modi’s stature.

The Western nations that once ostracized Modi now sing his praises, a testament to his transformative leadership. President Biden’s remarks encapsulate this shift: “You’re a real problem for me. When you visit, everyone clamors for your attention. There’s not a single pass left for your dinner. From celebrities to my own kin, everyone’s vying for a moment with you. You’ve become a phenomenon, reshaping democratic nations.” Modi’s leadership of the G20 in 2022 marked a turning point, steering the group towards unprecedented success.

The thaw in relations with America and Europe post-2014 is a direct result of Modi’s indefatigable efforts. His global tours, initially mocked by domestic political parties and media, fostered strong international bonds. His historic visits to Australia, a rarity for an Indian PM, have cemented Australia as one of India’s staunchest allies. Modi’s accolades are not personal triumphs but national pride, akin to the reverence for figures like Abraham Lincoln or John F. Kennedy in America. Modi’s statesmanship is rooted in the growth and development of India, captivating the world under his leadership.

Economic Resurgence: From Vulnerability to Vigor

The decade preceding 2014 was marked by economic turbulence in India, with growth rates faltering and inflation rates climbing amidst a series of high-profile scams and questionable economic policies. The era saw Indian enterprises amassing unsustainable debts, which morphed into non-performing assets, edging state-owned banks toward insolvency. Internationally, India’s reliance on costly foreign loans for its foreign exchange needs earned it a spot among the “Fragile Five” economies identified by global financial analysts.

Fast forward to the present, and India’s narrative has undergone a dramatic reversal. Now heralded as the world’s fifth most robust economy, this transformation is no serendipitous event but the fruit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s stringent economic strategies, ambitious national projects, and an unwavering commitment to governance that has set a benchmark for ministerial and bureaucratic performance.

Under Modi’s stewardship, high-level corruption has seen a significant downturn, and a decisive battle against financial malfeasance has been waged. Business magnates, once celebrated, found themselves compelled to seek refuge overseas as the government clamped down on willful loan defaulters, leveraging legal avenues to repossess companies and recoup funds. Public sector enterprises, previously beleaguered by losses and teetering on the edge of collapse, are now posting record profits. A renaissance is evident in foundational sectors such as transportation infrastructure, with highways, airports, and ports experiencing an unprecedented surge in development. The stock market, often regarded as a nation’s economic pulse by global financial institutions, has witnessed a meteoric rise from 20,000 points in 2014 to over 73,000 points today. This remarkable turnaround has not only reshaped India’s economic landscape but has also garnered newfound respect and trust from the international community.

Monumental Milestones

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tenure has been marked by a series of transformative initiatives that have commanded global attention. Here’s an exploration of six significant achievements that have reshaped India’s narrative:

  1. Vaccine Development: Amidst the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, Modi championed the vision of a self-reliant India, pledging to produce indigenous vaccines. Defying global skepticism, his administration not only achieved this ambitious goal within eight months but also launched two homegrown vaccines. This feat was further amplified as India successfully administered double doses to over 1.02 billion citizens, a triumph that resonated worldwide.
  2. Financial Inclusion: Modi’s government undertook a massive financial inclusion drive, opening bank accounts for 520 million previously unbanked individuals, issuing Aadhaar identification to all, and directly transferring ₹5.53 trillion in subsidies, curtailing a potential ₹3.48 trillion in leakages. Today, these accounts hold savings amounting to ₹2.30 trillion, empowering the economically disadvantaged.
  3. Healthcare Accessibility: By providing health insurance to 340 million citizens, Modi’s policies facilitated medical treatments valued at ₹660 billion for 58 million people, eradicating the international perception of India’s neglect towards public healthcare.
  4. Sanitation Revolution: The construction of 115 million toilets across 530,000 villages has eradicated the practice of open defecation, a subject of past international ridicule.
  5. Clean Cooking Initiative: The provision of cooking gas connections to 100 million households has been lauded globally for its positive impact on women’s health and environmental conservation.
  6. Housing for All: The ambitious project of granting free houses to 26 million rural families has astonished the international community, showcasing India’s commitment to improving living standards.

These milestones are not merely domestic achievements but have significantly enhanced India’s stature on the world stage, reflecting Modi’s influential leadership and India’s progressive trajectory.

“India’s Ascendant Path”

The transformative initiatives of recent years have not only reshaped India’s domestic landscape but have also garnered global acclaim. The multidimensional economic strides have drawn praise from international leaders, with French President Macron acknowledging, “India is changing the world.” This sentiment is echoed in a recent Ipsos opinion poll conducted across 29 major democracies. The survey revealed that 77% of respondents view India as progressing in the right direction, a stark contrast to the perception of other nations like the US (65%), Germany (72%), Canada (70%), England (79%), and France (82%), which are seen as veering off course. Furthermore, these nations regard India’s economy as the most luminous, a testament to the country’s burgeoning influence and promising future.

Navigating Geopolitical Tides

The global community recognizes Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the linchpin of India’s dynamic growth and resurgence. Esteemed figures like Henry Kissinger and George Soros observe the waning of Western hegemony, a trend accelerated by the Covid pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine. Modi’s assertive diplomacy during the Ukraine crisis has shifted the balance of power, bolstering the influence of neutral countries and signaling a significant realignment in international relations.

India’s firm stance against Chinese aggression, from Doklam to Ladakh, has commanded the West’s attention, underscoring the strategic imperative of partnering with India. Beyond its traditional alliances, India has forged new bonds with nations across Asia, Europe, and the Global South, positioning itself as a pivotal mediator on the world stage. In moments of heightened tension, such as the threat of nuclear escalation in Ukraine, the world has looked to India for mediation, reflecting Modi’s engagement with both Russian and Ukrainian leadership.

Amidst this geopolitical flux, the established Western liberal order perceives a challenge from the emerging Indic paradigm. Allegations of a concerted effort to infiltrate India’s political landscape and undermine its trajectory through foreign-funded NGOs and mass protests have surfaced. Despite these claims, India’s resolve remains unshaken, with Modi’s governance providing a beacon of moral and spiritual leadership during a period marked by global conflicts and transitions.

“India’s Sovereign Choice”

The narrative of India’s ascent on the global stage has become a focal point of international discourse. The Western establishment, long accustomed to setting the global agenda, now observes India’s rise with a mix of interest and apprehension. The crux of their concern is not merely India’s growing influence but the assertive leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which challenges the status quo. As the 2024 elections approach, there is palpable anticipation among Western media and think-tanks about the potential outcomes and their implications for global dynamics.

The cultural ethos of the West, characterized by individualism and liberal values, finds itself at a crossroads with the cultural revival of Asian and Global South nations. This resurgence is seen as a counter-narrative to the Western model that has dominated for decades. President Xi Jinping’s recent embrace of China’s ancient heritage exemplifies this shift towards civilizational pride.

Modi’s leadership is emblematic of India’s civilizational reawakening. Representing one-sixth of humanity, India’s burgeoning economic, military, and technological capabilities, coupled with its rich cultural legacy, present a new paradigm. This has led some in the Western liberal order to view Modi’s India as a challenge to their traditional hegemony.

The upcoming general elections in India are thus cast in a broader light, with potential consequences that extend beyond national borders. The choice of leadership is not only about domestic governance but also about India’s role in the world. The outcome will be closely watched, as it could signify a reaffirmation of India’s path and its civilizational values on the global stage.

Note to the Reader: This article originally appeared in Thuglak Tamil Weekly Magazine. It was translated in English by Shri Venkateshwaran from Thuglak Digital for

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